ProbGen 2019

We are pleased to announce the 5th Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics Conference (ProbGen19), to be held in Aussois, France, from 6-9 Oct 2019.

The conference will cover a wide variety of topics in genomics, ranging from population genomics to systems biology and cancer genomics, with a particular focus on the use of novel mathematical and computational models and inference methods to address timely and important biological questions. What makes the meeting special, in our view, is that it has substantial mathematical and theoretical depth yet remains well grounded in the practical and scientific concerns of modern genomics. We invite abstract submissions on a range of topics including functional genomics, molecular evolution, phylogenetics, epidemiology, methods for genome-wide association studies, quantitative genetics, etc...

We will have two keynote speakers:

  • Sohini Ramachandran (Brown University, Providence, USA)
  • Gil McVean (Big Data Institute, University of Oxford and Genomics plc)

Alongside invited speakers, oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts. We particularly encourage abstract submissions from junior investigators, including postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.

Probgen was held previously in Cold Spring Harbor (2015, 2018), Oxford (2016) and Aarhus (2017).


The conference talks and poster sessions will be held in the Paul Langevin Center in the beautiful village of Aussois nearby the national parc de la Vanoise in the French Alps.

The meeting will begin with an informal welcome reception on the evening of Sunday 6 October 2019. Talks will take place from Monday 7 October until lunchtime on Wednesday 9 October.

A few grants will be available for students and postdocs. Please see [here] for details.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for student/postdoc grant application: 25 May 2019
  • Deadline for early-bird registration: 25 May 2019
  • Notification of student/postdoc grants: 6 June 2019
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 6 July 2019
  • Notification of acceptance: 22 July 2019 (see selected talks and posters)
  • Registration deadline: 7 September 2019


A workshop for the PopSim consortium is being held immediately before ProbGen. Please see [PopSim satellite] for details.



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